A Vision for St Mary's

St Mary’s Cathedral is the mother church of the Diocese of Edinburgh in the Scottish Episcopal Church. We are part of the world-wide Anglican communion and thus have very close links with the Church of England, as well as maintaining strong ecumenical ties with our Presbyterian neighbours (the Church of Scotland).
A Vision for St Mary’s Cathedral
Where all are nurtured in faith and hope and love: through transforming encounter with God in word, music and beauty, and with one another in the warmth of welcome, the depth of theological engagement and in generous action for our community and city.
St Mary’s Cathedral, as part of the Diocese of Edinburgh, seeks to respond to God’s mission by:
Proclaiming the good news of Christ through the rhythm and practise of the church’s worship and prayer; by seeking excellence in all we do; by responding to the common search for meaning and purpose of all who pass through our doors.
Nurturing faith, hope and love wherever they are found: by teaching and exploring scripture, tradition and the practise of prayerful living.
Offering examples of generous and loving service, by creative use of our resources of people and buildings and by responding to local need.
Engaging with our Diocese, our city and civic partners to help build a sense of the common good and a community for all.
Witnessing to our responsibility to God’s creation, through appropriate stewardship of resources.