Choral Scholars & Lay Clerks
The choir is made up of three groups of singers: the choristers, the choral scholars, and the lay clerks.​
The choral scholars are generally gap-year students or students at one of Edinburgh’s universities, while the lay clerks are the choir's professional singers.

Choral Scholarships
"The friendly, welcoming, and engaging attitudes of other musicians, and of cathedral staff, makes the experience one that not only allows you to better your understanding of the music, but also to become a better performer and worker in a more general sense."
Becky Fletcher, former Choral Scholar
A choral scholarship at St Mary’s Cathedral offers an unparalleled opportunity to sing with an internationally renowned cathedral choir, and to develop singing and musicianship skills through regular weekday services as well as concerts, broadcasts, recording and touring. Working alongside other students as well as more experienced singers, the cathedral is a welcoming environment for you to contribute to its tradition (unique in Scotland) of regular choral services.
More information on Choral Scholarships at St Mary's is available here.

Lay Clerks
The Lay Clerks are professional singers (so named since their job is to lead services like a member of the clergy - i.e. a 'clerk' - but without taking holy orders), combining professional work elsewhere with their singing at St Mary’s.
Vacancies will be announced here, and elsewhere on our website, as they become available. Professional singers with suitable experience who are interested in joining the deputy list should, in the first instance, email us with their CV.
If you would like to have an informal conversation with a lay clerk about the choir commitment, and living and working in Edinburgh, then please email